Fee Schedule
The court accepts payment by cash, certified cashier or bank check, money order, debit or credit card for civil fees at the clerk’s office counter, over the phone, and by mail. Personal or corporate checks are accepted only from attorneys. Criminal debt may be paid with cash, certified cashier or bank check, money order or via Pay.gov with approval from the U.S. Probation Office or the U.S. Attorney’s Office-Financial Litigation Program. In addition, some filing fees and the attorney admission fee may be paid online via Pay.gov by credit card or ACH debit.
$405 | Civil case (the $405.00 filing fee includes a $55.00 administrative fee, which does not apply to persons granted in forma pauperis (IFP) status under 28 U.S.C. § 1915) |
$5 | Application for writ of habeas corpus |
$605 | Notice of appeal to First Circuit |
$52 | Miscellaneous case or for filing or indexing any document not in a case or proceeding for which a case filing fee has been paid |
$100 | Pro hac vice motion ($100 for each attorney seeking pro hac admission) |
$41 | Appeal to a district judge from a judgment of conviction by a magistrate in a misdemeanor case |
$7,202 | Action brought under Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996, P.L. 104-114, 110 Stat. § 785 (1996) (This fee is in addition to the filing fee prescribed in 28 U.S.C. § 1914(a) for instituting any civil action other than a writ of habeas corpus.) |
$.50 | Reproducing any record or paper, per page (This fee shall apply to services rendered on behalf of the United States if the record or paper requested is available through electronic access.) |
$.10 | Printing copies of any record or document accessed electronically at a public terminal in the courthouse, per page (This fee shall apply to services rendered on behalf of the United States if the record requested is remotely available through electronic access.) |
$34 | For reproduction of an audio recording of a court proceeding (for Courtroom B proceedings only) |
$33 | For reproduction of records that are in electronic form (does not apply to records stored in CM/ECF or PACER) |
$12 | Certification of any document or paper, whether the certification is made directly on the document or by separate instrument |
$24 | Exemplification Certificate |
$50 | Issuance of an Apostille |
$.10 | PACER, per page viewed - maximum fee per document $3.00 (maximum fee limit not applicable to transcripts). Note that users will not be billed for fees of less than $30 in a quarterly billing cycle. |
No Fee | Parties in a case (including pro se litigants) and attorneys of record receive one free electronic copy, via the notice of electronic filing or notice of docket activity, of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required by law or directed by the filer. No fee is charged for access to judicial opinions. No fee is charged for viewing case information or documents at courthouse public access terminals. |
$70/43 | Retrieval of a record from a Federal Records Center, National Archives, or other storage location removed from the place of business of the court (the cost for retrieval of records from the NARA-FRC facility is $70 for the first box requested and $43 for each additional box) |
$19.90 + $.65 per page | SmartScan electronic record retrieval from NARA-FRC facility (fee is for one document; only documents 100 pages or less are eligible) |
$4.50 | Local Rules Booklet |
$229 | Admission of attorneys to practice, including a certificate of admission (Includes portion for Library Fund) |
$21 | Duplicate certificate of admission or certificate of good standing |
$53 | Any payment returned or denied for insufficient funds, or reversed due to a chargeback |
.10% on assets |
Registry Funds (The custodian is authorized and directed to deduct a fee of an annualized 10 basis points on assets on deposit for the management of all CRIS funds. The fee is assessed from interest earnings to the pool before a pro rata distribution of earnings is made to court cases.) |
$34 | Search of the district court records per name or item searched (This fee applies to services rendered on behalf of the United States if the information requested is available through electronic access.) |
See 28 U.S.C. § 1914(b), District court; filing and miscellaneous fees, rules of court.
The United States should not be charged fees under this schedule, except as noted. Federal agencies or programs that are funded from judiciary appropriations (agencies, organizations, and individuals providing services authorized by the Criminal Justice Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3006 and bankruptcy administrators) should not be charged any fees under this schedule.