Pro Bono Program
Pro bono service plays a vital role in providing access to justice when a litigant’s financial and other circumstances make securing the assistance of counsel difficult, if not impossible. In addition to the personal rewards of serving as a pro bono attorney, pro bono service can allow attorneys to broaden their federal litigation experience.
Cases in which a pro bono appointment is appropriate arise a few times a year, and typically involve foreclosure, debt collection claims, or civil rights matters. In some cases, the pro se litigant is incarcerated. Pro bono appointments can also be limited in scope, for example, representing a litigant at a deposition or during mediation, or responding to a pending motion.
Attorneys who are interested in accepting pro bono appointments from the District of New Hampshire may volunteer for the Pro Bono Panel by sending an email to the Chief Deputy Clerk. Your firm may also join the Pro Bono Panel as a whole so that you can manage your firm's pro bono appointments internally. Many firms find these cases present a great opportunity for newer attorneys to gain federal court litigation experience. If your firm elects this option, please provide the Chief Deputy Clerk with the name of your designated contact or intake attorney.
The United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire is pleased to recognize those attorneys who have demonstrated a commitment to pro bono legal work. Their efforts build trust in our nation's legal system. Below you will find the court's Honor Roll which recognizes pro bono volunteers for their recent and continued support.
Allyson Moore
S. Amy Spencer
Benjamin King
Geoffrey Gallagher
Michael Delaney
Kirk Simoneau
Courtney Herz
Chloe Golden
Jeremy Eggleton
Shelia Zakre
Jon Meyer
Tony Sculimbrene
Bill Glahn
Scott Harris