The Clerk's Office is fortunate to have an experienced and dedicated staff. While we encourage you to call us if you have questions, we hope you will first take the time to research your inquiry using the various sections of this web site. To expedite your research this section provides answers to those frequently asked questions about the court and its procedures. We hope you find them helpful and informative.

  • Does JERS integrate with the evidence presentation system in the courtroom?
    No, JERS only allows a jury during deliberations to view admitted evidence electronically. Evidence you submit to the court for uploading into JERS is not accessible by the parties to use to present to the jury during the trial. If you desire to present evidence electronically to the jury during trial, you will need to have your own electronic version of the evidence for that purpose, whether the electronic version of the evidence is loaded into your preferred trial presentation software program, available on video or audio tape, and/or viewable using the document camera available in the courtrooms.
  • Can we capture newly presented evidence using the document camera in court?
    Yes, the courtroom deputy can capture evidence (still images) presented during trial. We are unable to capture video and audio live in the courtroom. You should coordinate with the courtroom deputy about how best the evidence can be captured in JERS.
  • Can we add new evidence to JERS during trial?
    Yes, if you have evidence that you use during a hearing or trial that was not previously submitted to the court in electronic format, you should arrange to submit the electronic version of that evidence to the courtroom deputy during a recess. The courtroom deputy will talk with you about whether to submit the evidence on a data storage device or via e-mail.
  • What if an exhibit is redacted or modified from the electronic version that was originally submitted prior to the commencement of trial?
    You can create a new electronic version of the exhibit during a recess and arrange with the courtroom deputy whether to submit it on a data storage device or via e-mail. If the exhibit needs to be entered immediately, the courtroom deputy can capture it on the document camera.
  • Does JERS capture testimony from the witness stand?
    No, only the sound that is played from an exhibit, such as from a video or audio clip, can be captured into JERS.
  • Who determines what ultimately is released to the jury?
    Prior to trial, the courtroom deputy will upload all of the electronic exhibits submitted by the litigants into JERS. During trial, the courtroom deputy will continue to track the admission into evidence of the exhibits and the removal of any ID designation previously made on those exhibits. Just as we do with paper exhibits, before the jury begins to deliberate, counsel will review with the courtroom deputy the exhibits entered into JERS to ensure that they agree which exhibits will be released to the jury through JERS and what restrictions may apply to those exhibits (e.g. audio only, video only). Depending on the volume of exhibits, the courtroom deputy may review the JERS exhibits with counsel at the conclusion of each trial day. Any disagreements between counsel about the exhibits in JERS will be addressed to the court. Before jury deliberations begin, counsel will be required to certify that they have verified that the JERS exhibits are accurate electronic versions of the admitted evidence.
  • Will the jury have access to the exhibits uploaded into JERS as well as the paper and physical exhibits during deliberations?
    Yes, unless the court decides to the contrary, jurors will have during deliberations access to the electronic version of the exhibits through JERS and to the paper and physical exhibits. As such, counsel will be required to review, and verify the accuracy of, the paper and physical exhibits to be provided to the jury.
  • How will a jury use JERS during deliberations?
    Prior to the commencement of deliberations, the courtroom deputy (or courtroom technology specialist) will show the jurors a tutorial on how to use JERS. During deliberations jurors can review those exhibits on a large plasma screen using a touch screen kiosk. Using JERS, jurors can jointly view the evidence multiple times, rewind videos, use a zoom feature, or even review jury instructions.
  • Are the documents text searchable using JERS?
    No, the PDF documents are not searchable, but jurors have several navigation options they can use to review the evidence loaded into JERS.
  • What if the jury has a problem using JERS during deliberations?
    To maintain the integrity of the deliberation process, no court personnel will enter the jury room once deliberations have started without the court's permission. Any request for technical assistance will have to be made in writing and given to the Court Security Officer for delivery to the courtroom deputy and the matter will be presented to counsel for their consideration and to the court for approval before any court staff member will attempt to assist the jurors. In the event court staff must assist with a technical problem, jurors would be escorted to another room while court staff fixes the problem.
