Mediator Resources
Once appointed to serve as a mediator on a case, please consult the Procedural Steps/Suggested Deadlines for Mediation to assist you in performing your mediation duties.
In sum, once the Order of Appointment to serve as a mediator is received, the mediator should schedule the mediation in consultation with the participants and the appropriate case manager. After the date/time of the mediation is established, the mediator should file a Notice of Mediation either conventionally or electronically with the court and send the Notice and Mediation Preparation Outline to the parties. The mediator may want to have the parties complete a consent to mediation form.
Five (5) calendar days before the mediation the parties shall exchange and deliver to the mediator a Mediation Conference Statement. The parties shall also submit a Mediation Conference Statement Confidential Addendum directly to the mediator. On the day of the mediation, the mediator should check in with the case manager before it begins and notify her when it concludes. Within 5 calendar days of the mediation, the mediator shall file with the magistrate judge the Post ADR Reporting Form.