Panel Attorney Resources
Guide to Judiciary Policy, Vol. 7A, Guidelines for Administering the CJA and Related Statutes
The Federal Judiciary’s policies and procedures for the administration and operation of the CJA.
National CJA Voucher Reference Tool
The Federal Judiciary’s tool for preparing CJA authorizations and vouchers.
USDC-NH Cost Containment Measures
A chronologically organized cumulative list of CJA cost containment initiatives adopted in this district through September 1, 2013.
First Circuit CJA Case Budgeting Attorney
CJA counsel should consult with the Circuit's CJA Budgeting Attorney for advice and recommendations on efficient case management whenever a case is anticipated to exceed the statutory maximum for attorney fees and/or involve unusual expert expenses or extensive discovery. The Budgeting Attorney is Michael C. Andrews and he can be reached by email at, or by telephone at 617-748-9104.
Sentencing Letters
Information on how sentencing letters will be processed by the court and when and how such letter may be made available to the public.
Recommendations Regarding ESI Discovery
Guidance for parties related to the exchange of electronically stored information.
Annual CJA Panel Attorney Training
The Federal Defender office in this district conducts an annual training for panel attorneys. For access to videos of past trainings, please contact one of the CJA auditors.
Defender Services Division Training Branch/Legal Question Hotline
The Defender Services Training Branch in Washington, DC, provides support to panel attorneys in CJA cases. The Training Branch has special expertise in federal criminal law and procedure, including sentencing guidelines. The hotline telephone number is 800-788-9908.